Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas in Vietnam!

We interrupt this slow moving blog. Teaching english can be a bit busier than expected. Here is a special Christmas update from Ho Chi Minh City!

The kids in my class
Some fun facts, about Christmas here.

Vietnamese people seem to think that Christmas Eve, the 24th, is actual Christmas.

Much like in America Christmas is much more of a commercial picture holliday than a religious one.

Light go up everywhere and people flood the streets on motorcycles just to drive around in circles and look at them

"Last Christmas" is the most popular song here... even 7 year olds know the words. There are 2 different vietnamese covers of the song on TV. Most kids don't know "Frosty the Snow Man" or "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer".

All I want for Christmas is
you to put on pants
I can't tell if this is dirty or not?
This holiday peice of pedophelia with anime eyes is outside almost every large mall.

Because christmas trees are somewhat of a rarity. Girls will go to malls and jostle eachother to get as many pictures as they can with them. As well as any other christmas pictures they can think of.

                                                         Merry Christmas from Vietnam!